
Junyi's Lab

How to get motivated

最近发现了一个关于如何让自己 motivated 的方法视频,整理了一下 PPT 里的内容,感觉部分方法确实适合我自己。在这里分享给大家。

## 1. Get ready the night before

  • Clean your desk
  • Get everything that you need within reach pens, paper, charges …
  • Make a to-do list
  • Choose your clothes for the next day.

## 2. Write a to-do list everyday

  • Have a clear plan of what you need to do
  • Spread out your tasks over the week to have realistic expectations
  • Easy, difficult, long, short tasks to keep totivation throughout the day

Using what works best for you:

  • Microsoft To-Do

## 3. Block your time in your calendar

## 4. Use the Pomodoro method to manage your time & tasks

  1. Pick a task
  2. Start a 25-minutes timer - FOCUS TIME
  3. Take a 5 minutes break - you just finished 1 pomodoro session
  4. After 4 pomodoros, take a longer 15 - 30 min break

Choose your personal session and breaks.

## 5. Using virtual study group

## 6. Use time tracking

To motivate you as see how much work you did.

## 7. Start your day with an easy task that you WANT to do

## 8. Create a study routine and build habits

When motivation is low, your routine and habits hat you’ve built will come to the rescue.

  • Create a story routine
  • Iteratively improve it + make it realistic for you
  • Then it will less be anout motivation.

## 9. Remember WHY you want to get these tasks done

Write it down, and go back to the note when you’re lacking motivation

## 10. Create a motivating poster in front of your desk

## 11. Make studying fun

  • Create flashcards -> Quizlet
  • Watch online videos

## 12. Trick your brain with the 2 minute rule

“Ok, I know I don’t fell like studying right now. But, I’m going to get up, go to my desk, and work for 2 minutes. If I still don’t feel like it, I can stop working.”

## 13. Exercise and come back to work

## 14. Join a study Discord community

## 15. Still can’t find motivation? Take a productive break

## Reference

Marine. https://m.twitch.tv/videos/934263167

## 2023年8月23日 补充

